Background and Inspirations

The Mediterranean region is one of the most vulnerable hotspots in the current biodiversity and climate crises, warming 20% faster than the global average and being the a biodiversity hotspot. The increase of severe climate events are also likely to influence the choice of destinations and time to travel for its over 510 million inhabitants. The effects of climate change will put additional pressure on already strained ecosystems and vulnerable economies and societies, with Tourism being one of the most affected economic sectors.

The recent Transition Pathway for Tourism and the Glasgow Declaration are building a global momentum for Climate Action in Tourism, but policymakers and destinations need support to better develop efficient climate mitigation and adaptation policies using ecosystem-based approaches and improved multi-level governance structures, including robust planning and ensure the long-term engagement of the private sector and citizens. Indeed, ecosystem-based management is considered a good practice to effectively deal with these threats as it considers the different stakeholders and factors affecting ecosystems and the mechanisms involved, in order to find solutions.

NaTour4CChange builds and capitalises on successful experiences at the Mediterranean and global level to test solutions for increasing the resilience of coastal destinations in the Mediterranean. The project aims to set common methods to allow participating regions to assess their tourism-related climate adaptation and mitigation priorities, and take climate action via plans and strategies, supported by cooperative governance.

The Project’s Theory of Change

? The problem: tourism destinations with natural assets of high value suffering major tourism-related impacts due to climate change (CC)

! The solution: improving the regional tourism governing capacities + supporting/strengthening DMOs to test innovative solutions (i.e. Nature-based Solutions -NbS)

The change

Regional administrations become more effective in managing sustainable tourism in order to mitigate CC contributions and improve CC adaptation; 

– Pilot tourism destinations become more resilient against CC impacts


Expected Results
  • 5 Regional Strategies on Climate mitigation and adaptation for the coastal tourism sector
  • 6 Destination Climate Action Plans for the adaptation of the coastal tourism sector 
  • 6 NbS Testing Reports evaluating the effectiveness of NbS in pilot destinations
  • Capitalization Report describing the whole approach for planning CC resilience in the tourism sector, including lessons learnt and policy recommendations